
September 2023

Lionfish in the coastal waters off Cyprus – A threat

An invasive species in the sea off Cyprus is the lionfish. Originally from the Indian Ocean, this fish is common in the Red Sea, but is now also found in the Mediterranean, first off Cyprus.

Divers who encounter a lionfish should not touch it under any circumstances. This is because the conspicuous spines contain a strong neurotoxin. The fish uses this to defend itself when it feels threatened. For humans, the poison is not deadly, but painful.
But these intruders are not only a problem for us humans, but above all for the entire underwater world.

Lionfish – nice to look at, but dangerous

Lionfish are actually native to the tropics and the Red Sea. They migrated to the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal a few years ago. Since they have no natural enemies here, they can reproduce unhindered. And they do so diligently: each female lays up to 30,000 eggs – every two days! This makes them an omnipresent threat to the native inhabitants: lionfish are optimally camouflaged by their spotted colouring and are among the most successful hunters in the Mediterranean.

They grow up to 40 centimetres, have poisonous spines and are spreading rapidly in the Mediterranean: Lionfish, also called lionfish. An EU-funded project has now declared war on the poisonous fish, which destroy coral reefs and decimate other fish species. Now the battle has been declared against the fish, so that they are useful after all. more »

New Series – Marine Life of Cyprus – Start: Lionfish

We will soon be launching our new information series on the marine life off Cyprus, on renaturation measures, artificial reefs, invasive species and the consequences.

Follow us and get informed. We promise exciting articles, photos and supporting podcasts. The foto shows a Lionfish, which you might expect to find in the Red Sea. But it is now at home in the waters off Cyprus …. with many consequences.

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