
September 2023

Musan – Underwater Sculpture Park

privaze guided dive-padi divecenter cyprus-musan underwater park

Marine life loves artificial reefs. They are places where marine flora and fauna find pleasant conditions.

So ultimately, Musan’s underwater sculpture park becomes a new home for marine life, and MUSAN is just that – the first underwater museum in the Mediterranean that is also a „work of art“ itself.

You want to be part of it? We are here for you.

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New Series – Marine Life of Cyprus – Start: Lionfish

We will soon be launching our new information series on the marine life off Cyprus, on renaturation measures, artificial reefs, invasive species and the consequences.

Follow us and get informed. We promise exciting articles, photos and supporting podcasts. The foto shows a Lionfish, which you might expect to find in the Red Sea. But it is now at home in the waters off Cyprus …. with many consequences.


You want to explore the wonderful world under water? Then book an individual dive or an introductory dive with us right now. We look forward to seeing you.

Musan – Underwater Scupture Park

Scuba Diving at Musan Underwater Park – private guided dive

privaze guided dive-padi divecenter cyprus-musan underwater park

With an easy entry point, Musan gives everyone the opportunity to explore this unique underwater sculpture park, see how fish and other creatures find a new home underwater and, with a bit of luck, meet a curious sea lion on a discovery tour.

Musan is the perfect place to experience the fascination of diving, how nature regenerates in protected areas and admire unique art objects..

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